

Information about the Search feature in SharePoint.

Keyword Query Language (KQL) Cheat Sheet

Read more on Keyword Query Language (KQL) or check out The SharePoint Agency cheat sheet below...

Typing more than one term is equivalent to adding AND between your terms.

Banking Industry
​will return the same results as...
Banking AND Industry

Adding a wildcard (*) will return everything!​

Adding a wildcard (*) after a word will enable prefix matching.
is the same as
Banking AND Bank AND Banker

Use property restrictions

Filename:"Leave Request Form"

Beware as author: "Hayden Sinclair" (with a space)
is the same as
author: AND "Hayden Sinclair"

Apply multiple property restrictions in the same search.
filetype:docx filetype:pdf
filename:"client terms and conditions" filename:"New Business Card Design"

Using the same property is equivalent to adding an OR between your terms.

author:"Hayden Sinclair" OR author:"Jim Khan"
filetype:docx OR filetype:pdf
filename:"client terms and conditions" OR filename:"New Business Card Design"

NOT will remove results with your offending term.

Information NOT Technology

NEAR will show words in close proximity.

Christchurch NEAR Technology

You can also specify how close
Christchurch NEAR(n=10) Earthquake
Christchurch NEAR(n=50) Earthquake​

WORDS will rank both or your terms together rather than separately.

Words(Chch, Christchuch)
is the similar to
Christchurch OR Chch

But items with both Chch and Christchurch will count together and will rank higher

Quotation Marks will turn your search into a Phrase.

Banking Industry
Banking Industry
​will return the same results as...
Banking AND Industry 

Time Specific Queries.

write=this week
write=this month
write=this year


Taxonomy Search.

owstaxidtags:Site Map
 owstaxidtags:New Zealand

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